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What is a Position Control?

The Modern Work Landscape

As the world of work evolves, so do the expectations and needs of both employers and employees. The traditional career path, where an employee would join an organization early in life and remain until retirement, is becoming a thing of the past. The idea of holding onto the same job for decades has faded, replaced by a dynamic approach to career growth. In the past, employees were often tied to specific jobs, and organizational leaders managed them based on job titles, with little collaboration between key players like HR and line managers.

Today, employees no longer expect to stay in the same role indefinitely, and employers must adapt to ever-changing customer demands. Efficiency, quality management, and results-oriented processes are now the focus. Organizational leaders manage teams with specific functions and goals in mind, and the workplace has shifted to prioritize flexibility and adaptability.

As technology and processes continue to evolve, roles that were once essential become obsolete, and new specialties emerge. Employers need a flexible position control tool to manage hiring decisions effectively in this ever-changing landscape.

How FTE Tree Aligns with Today’s Workplace

In the modern workplace, HR and other departments are increasingly aligned, with leaders making data-driven decisions that support overall business strategies. This shift requires real-time, scalable, and accurate position management tools that are efficient and user-friendly for all stakeholders, including HR, hiring managers, and line managers.

The Benefits of FTE Tree for Your Organization

FTE Tree is designed to meet these modern needs, helping you gain control over your staffing processes. Traditionally, HR maintained active employee rosters and organizational charts to track people and positions. Now, FTE Tree tracks positions by job type, enabling stakeholders to fully own their responsibilities in the position management process. The tool captures all necessary information about each position in your organization, allowing for effective data analysis and decision-making. It also provides tight control processes to streamline operations and ensure compliance with employee actions.

Here’s how FTE Tree works:

  • Every position in your organization is assigned a unique position number, FTE, job code, wage amount and other configurable attributes. Employees are assigned to positions, not the other way around.
  • When an employee leaves or moves to a new role, the position becomes available for re-staffing.
  • Positions can be updated and modified to meet the organization’s current and future needs.
  • The budgeted amounts approved for the position can be readily compared to the incumbent employee's wage rate, FTE and more.
  • All actions taken on each position are documented clearly and consistently, providing real-time data for decision-making and reporting, such as audits.

By using a common tool like FTE Tree, you can minimize the training curve for new users and promote widespread adoption. If a tool is too specialized, difficult to learn, or cumbersome to use, stakeholders may create workarounds to avoid it. FTE Tree was designed with ease of use in mind, ensuring that it meets the needs of leaders across HR, Finance, and Administration.

FTE Tree empowers your managers to take ownership of their staffing models and budgets, benefiting the entire organization.

Updated: June 30, 2022